Cardi B Slams Billionaire’s Stepson Over Blink-182 Amid Titanic Drama

If you’re interested in learning data analytics, then you’ve probably heard about the recent drama between Cardi B and the stepson of a billionaire. It all started when Cardi B shared a tweet about Blink-182, a popular band from the 90s, which prompted the billionaire’s stepson to respond with a tweet of his own. The … Read more

Stepson of Missing Billionaire on Titanic Submarine Attends Blink-182 Concert

For many people, attending a Blink-182 concert is a dream come true, but for one special guest, the experience was even more extraordinary. Recently, the stepson of the missing billionaire and Titanic submarine investor, John Jacob Astor, attended a Blink-182 concert in New York City. The event was made possible by a new technology called … Read more